Welcome to the Combine Fire Department website!
DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE? If you need help adding address numbers at your residence, please call or text the station at 972-476-2632, or email Info@combinefire.com.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Join us at our next Meeting! Click HERE to see the schedule.
Kaufman County Emergency Notification System
This is a full feature system that can send out notifications, both Emergency and Non-Emergency through a variety of avenues. To opt in, followthis link to the portal and register on the Kaufman County website. For detailed information regarding the KC Emergency Notification System, click here.
In an emergency, EVERY SECOND COUNTS! Help us find you by adding large address numbers to each side and the front of your mailbox.
Emergency : 911
Station : (972) 476-2632
125 Davis Road, Combine Tx 75159